Problems and Troubleshooting

Q: What should I do if my heating system is not working correctly?

A: Please contact your local heating professional to troubleshoot your system. Your heating professional can contact a Weil-McLain Distributor or our Technical Service Department for additional assistance.

Q: How can I get an expert from Weil-McLain to troubleshoot my boiler?

A: Weil-McLain does not employ heating technicians who visit and repair boilers, nor do we have factory-authorized servicers. We rely upon independent heating professionals to install, maintain and troubleshoot Weil-McLain products. Please contact a heating professional in your area. If needed, your heating contractor can contact our area office or our technical service department for assistance with troubleshooting problems.

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...Weil-McLain Canada has been (a) reliable trusted partner for many years... From reliable products to timely and helpful application support, the company always has our back...   —  Ron Robinson